Wii Remote Pro Controller Support
Version 1.0.5 adds support for the Wii Remote Pro controller - this is the one that looks like a regular game controller and not the motion sensing wand thing.

Wii-Pro Remote
Disabling ‘Stick as Mouse’ functionality
If you pair your Wii Remote Pro controller under Linux within a graphical environment you may find that your mouse suddenly starts behaving strangely. This is because on modern Linux distributions the system will treat the left stick on your controller as a mouse. That’s quite neat, but probably not what you want. To prevent this happening you need to create, as root, a file in xorg.conf.d - the exact location of this file depends on your distribution, for example on Linux Mint and Raspbian it’s at /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/. It’ll be there somewhere if it’s not there - you might need to search around a bit to locate it.
You need to create a file in this directory, it can be any name ending with .conf (I use 50-xorg-no-wiipro-joystick.conf) with the following contents:
Section "InputClass"
Identifier "Nintendo Wii Remote Pro Controller Blacklist"
MatchProduct "Nintendo Wii Remote Pro Controller"
MatchDevicePath "/dev/input/event*"
Option "Ignore" "on"
This will blacklist the controller from acting as an input device for your desktop. If you’re using a clone of this controller rather than the original Nintendo one you may need to change the MatchProduct part of the file above to match whatever’s returned by the approxeng_input_list_devices command.