Source code for approxeng.input.steamcontroller

from approxeng.input import CentredAxis, TriggerAxis, Button, Controller, BinaryAxis

__all__ = ['SteamController']

[docs]class SteamController(Controller): """ Wireless steam controller. As of Jan 2021 this works with modern linux installations without any messing around, and supports a lot of extra controls as a result! The unusual controls are as follows, firstly buttons. Note that both the trackpads have touch buttons as well as the click (on the right trackpad) and the d-pad 'buttons' on the left one. The controller doesn't have a true d-pad, but you can use the left trackpad in place of one (although it's heavy to activate) ============= ================ Standard name Steam Controller ------------- ---------------- square X triangle Y circle B cross A ls Left stick click rs Right trackpad click rtouch Right trackpad touch select Left arrow start Right arrow home Steam button dleft DPad left click dup DPad up click dright DPad right click ddown DPad down click dtouch DPad (left trackpad) touch l1 Top left trigger l2 Middle left trigger l3 Base left trigger r1 Top right trigger r2 Middle right trigger r3 Base right trigger ============= ================ The controller has three xy axes with corresponding circular axes as well as analogue triggers on the middle trigger buttons: ============= ================ Standard name Steam Controller ------------- ---------------- lx Stick horizontal ly Stick vertical rx Right trackpad horizontal ry Right trackpad vertical dx Left trackpad horizontal dy Left trackpad vertical lt Middle left trigger rt Middle right trigger ============= ================ """
[docs] def __init__(self, dead_zone=0.1, hot_zone=0.05, **kwargs): super(SteamController, self).__init__( controls=[ Button("X", 307, sname='square'), Button("Y", 308, sname='triangle'), Button("B", 305, sname='circle'), Button("A", 304, sname='cross'), Button("Left", 314, sname='select'), Button("Right", 315, sname='start'), Button("Steam", 316, sname='home'), Button("Left Stick Click", 317, sname='ls'), Button("Right Trackpad Click", 318, sname='rs'), Button("Right Trackpad Touch", 290, sname='rtouch'), Button("Left Trackpad Touch", 289, sname='dtouch'), Button('Top Left Trigger', 310, sname='l1'), Button('Mid Left Trigger', 312, sname='l2'), Button('Bottom Left Trigger', 336, sname='l3'), Button('Top Right Trigger', 311, sname='r1'), Button('Mid Right Trigger', 313, sname='r2'), Button('Bottom Right Trigger', 337, sname='r3'), Button('D-pad left', 546, sname='dleft'), Button('D-pad right', 547, sname='dright'), Button('D-pad up', 544, sname='dup'), Button('D-pad down', 545, sname='ddown'), CentredAxis("Left Stick Horizontal", -32768, 32768, 0, sname='lx'), CentredAxis("Left Stick Vertical", 32768, -32768, 1, sname='ly'), CentredAxis("Right Trackpad Horizontal", -32768, 32768, 3, sname='rx'), CentredAxis("Right Trackpad Vertical", 32768, -32768, 4, sname='ry'), CentredAxis("Left Trackpad Horizontal", -32768, 32768, 16, sname='dx'), CentredAxis("Left Trackpad Vertical", 32768, -32768, 17, sname='dy'), TriggerAxis("Left Trigger", 0, 255, 21, sname='lt'), TriggerAxis("Right Trigger", 0, 255, 20, sname='rt') ], dead_zone=dead_zone, hot_zone=hot_zone, **kwargs)
@staticmethod def registration_ids(): return [(10462, 4418)] def __repr__(self): return 'Valve Steam Controller'