Source code for approxeng.input.sf30pro

from approxeng.input import Controller, Button, CentredAxis, TriggerAxis, BinaryAxis

__all__ = ['SF30Pro']

[docs]class SF30Pro(Controller): """ Driver for the 8BitDo SF30 Pro, courtesy of Tom Brougthon (tabroughton on github) """
[docs] def __init__(self, dead_zone=0.05, hot_zone=0.05): """ Create a new SF30 Pro driver :param float dead_zone: Used to set the dead zone for each :class:`approxeng.input.CentredAxis` in the controller. :param float hot_zone: Used to set the hot zone for each :class:`approxeng.input.CentredAxis` in the controller. """ super(SF30Pro, self).__init__( controls=[ TriggerAxis("Right Trigger", 0, 255, 9, sname='rt'), TriggerAxis("Left Trigger", 0, 255, 10, sname='lt'), CentredAxis("Right Vertical", 255, 0, 5, sname='ry'), CentredAxis("Left Horizontal", 0, 255, 0, sname='lx'), CentredAxis("Left Vertical", 255, 0, 1, sname='ly'), CentredAxis("Right Horizontal", 0, 255, 2, sname='rx'), BinaryAxis("D-pad Horizontal", 16, b1name='dleft', b2name='dright'), BinaryAxis("D-pad Vertical", 17, b1name='ddown', b2name='dup'), Button("B", 304, sname='circle'), Button("A", 305, sname='cross'), Button("Mode", 306, sname='home'), Button("X", 307, sname='triangle'), Button("Y", 308, sname='square'), Button("L1", 310, sname='l1'), Button("R1", 311, sname='r1'), Button("L2", 312, sname='l2'), Button("R2", 313, sname='r2'), Button("Select", 314, sname='select'), Button("Start", 315, sname='start'), Button("Left Stick", 317, sname='ls'), Button("Right Stick", 318, sname='rs') ], dead_zone=dead_zone, hot_zone=hot_zone)
[docs] @staticmethod def registration_ids(): """ :return: list of (vendor_id, product_id) for this controller """ return [(0x2dc8, 0x6100)]
def __repr__(self): return '8Bitdo SF30 Pro'